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Mashup Mom's Guide to Saving and Making Money Online
By Rachel Singer Gordon

Table of Contents

About the Blog

Chapter 1: Let's Get Started (Read Sample Chapter)

My Story
Be Frugal - But Don't Be Cheap!
Setting Priorities
Saving Money Versus Earning Money
Getting Your Family on Board
Why Online?
Get Online
Lifelong Strategies

Chapter 2: Change the Way You Shop

Plan to Save
Change the Way You Cook
Save and Earn to Help You Stay Home

Chapter 3: Get Connected Online

Frugality and Deal Blogs
Frugality Sites and Newsletters
Bargain-Hunting Email Groups
Deal Forums
Work-at-Home Sites and Communities
Social Networking Sites

Chapter 4: Get in the Game

Save on Groceries
Drugstore Savings
Stack and Save
Where Do You Find These Coupons, Anyway?
Give It Away

Chapter 5: Get It Online

Buy It Online
Get Phone Service Online
Buy Online, Eat Locally
Download or Use It Online
Read It Online
Listen to It Online
Watch It Online
Entertain Yourself (and Your Kids) Online
Barter Goods and Services Online
Find Transportation Options Online

Chapter 6: Fantastic Freebies

Freebie Sites
Word-of-Mouth Marketing Programs
Magazine Subscriptions
Birthday Freebies
Restaurant Freebies
Survey Sites
Sweepstakes and Giveaways
Local Freebie Resources
Smoothing Out the Kinks

Chapter 7: Make Money at Home

eBay, Etsy, and Effortless Online Selling
Mystery Shopping
Direct Sales
Take Your Savings Skills on the Road
Use Your Existing Skills
Sort Out the Scams
Mash It Up

Chapter 8: Make Bonus Income With Your Online Activities

Get Paid to Take Surveys
Get Paid to Search
Get Paid to View Ads—and More
Get Paid to Complete Tasks
Get Paid to Answer Questions

Chapter 9: Organization, Balance, and Planning

Organize Your Time
Organize Your Finances
Focus on Your Future
Step Back and See the Process
What's Next?

Recommended Reading
Terms and Abbreviations to Know
About the Author

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