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CD-ROM Professional's CD-Recordable Handbook The Complete Guide to Practical Desktop CD
By Dana J. Parker and Robert A. Starrett, Edited by David Guenette
CD-Recordable (CD-R) is a revolution, and the analogies to
the printing press and the laser printer are right on target.
Until now, CD-R has also been complex,
confusing, and difficult to learn. The CD-Recordable Handbook is the most comprehensive
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Dana Parker and Robert Starrett not only explain how to
set up a CD-R system and write
a disc, but also the 'what' and 'why' of using CD-R.
CyberAge Books | 1996/256 pp/softbound with CD-ROM for Windows | ISBN 0-910965-18-8 |
Regular Price: $34.95 | Web Orders: $31.46