Building & Running a Successful
Research Business, 2nd Edition
A Guide for the
Independent Information Professional
By Mary Ellen Bates
| Foreword by Amelia Kassel
About the Author
Mary Ellen Bates is the owner of Bates
Information Services, Inc.,
nownear its third decade of operation. She helps her clients make
strategic decisions, providing business research and analysis to
business professionals and info pros. She also conducts webinars,
workshops, and seminars for information professionals. The aspect of
her business she enjoys the most is strategic business coaching for
fellow info-entrepreneurs ( Prior to
starting her own business in 1991, she worked in corporate and law
libraries for 15 years. She received her master’s in library
and information science from the University of California at Berkeley
and has been an online researcher since the late 1970s. She
is the author of five other books: Super Searchers Cover the
World (Information Today, 2001), Mining for Gold
on the Internet (McGraw-Hill, 2000), Researching
Online for Dummies, 2nd edition, co-authored with Reva Basch
(IDG Books Worldwide, 2000), Super Searchers Do Business (Information
Today, 1999), and The Online Deskbook (Information
Today, 1996). She writes for EContent, ONLINE,
and Searcher and is
the contributing
editor of The Information Advisor. She is a
frequent keynote speaker and has given presentations at information
industry conferences around the world. She is a two-time past president
and now a supporting member of the Association of Independent
Information Professionals (AIIP) and is active in the Special Libraries
Association (SLA).
She received AIIP's first annual Sue Rugge
Memorial Award,
created to recognize an AIIP member who, through mentoring, has
significantly helped others establish their businesses. She also
received the 2002 Professional Award from SLA and was named member of
the year by the Communications Division and the Washington, D.C.
Chapter of SLA.
Mary Ellen lives outside Boulder, Colorado,
with her beloved partner
and their two dogs.
You can find her at:
web ::
blog ::
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& Running a Successful
Research Business, 2nd Edition