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Proceedings of the Conference on the
History and Heritage of Science Information Systems
Edited by Mary Ellen Bowden, Trudi
Bellardo Hahn, and Robert V. Williams
The conference on the History and Heritage of Science
Information Systems was held on October 23-25, 1998
in Pittsburgh, PA, prior to the ASIS annual meeting.
The conference papers explored the history and heritage
of the nature, development, and influence of all types
of science information systems worldwide. It was co-sponsored
by ASIS, the ASIS SIG History and Foundations of Information
Science (SIG/HFIS), and the Chemical Heritage Foundation.
This was the first conference to explore this topic
and should be of great interest to both historians and
current practitioners.
1999/300 pp/softbound |
ISBN 1-57387-080-3 |
ASIST Members: $31.60 | Regular
Price: $39.50 | Web Orders: $35.55