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The Mobile Marketing Handbook, Second Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Mobile Marketing Campaigns
By Kim Dushinski
Publication Date: January, 2012
Price: $23.99
CyberAge Books Price: $23.99 [CyberAge Books Sign In]

"Practical methods for creating compelling campaigns in the challenging mobile marketing environment. ... This book is desperately needed."

—Tomi T Ahonen, Mobile as the 7th Mass Media Channel

In this new interactive edition of her bestselling guide to mobile marketing, Kim Dushinski shows how any firm can create successful mobile campaigns without breaking the bank. Her easy-to-follow advice helps readers interact with mobile users, build stronger customer relationships, reach a virtually unlimited number of new prospects, and gain competitive advantage by making the move to mobile now.

"A great resource for businesses looking to expand their reach into the mobile marketing channel. ... Well organized, well written, and very useful."

—Cindy Krum, CEO, MobileMoxie

"Succeeding in mobile marketing is easy as long as you have the right guidance. By reading this book, you're able to tap into one of the foremost experts in the industry, guaranteeing success for your mobile marketing campaign."

—Derek Johnson, CEO,

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