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CRM in Real Time: Empowering Customer Relationships
By Barton J. Goldenberg
Publication Date: January, 2008
Price: $29.99
CyberAge Books Price: $29.99 [CyberAge Books Sign In]

“Vital real-time business advice for the customer-centric organization.”
— Stan Davis, co-author, The Art of Businessand Blur

This comprehensive guide to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) draws on Barton Goldenberg’s 20+ years of experience guiding firms to a successful implementation of CRM solutions and techniques. Goldenberg demonstrates how the right mix of people, process, and technology can help firms achieve a superior level of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and new business. Beginning with a primer for executives who need to get quickly up-to-speed on CRM, the book covers a full range of critical issues including integration challenges and security concerns, and illuminates CRM’s key role in the 24/7/365 real-time business revolution. CRM in Real Timeis an essential guide for any organization seeking to maximize customer relationships, coordinate customer-facing functions, and leverage the power of the Internet as business goes real time.

CRM in Real Timegets to the heart of what a successful CRM implementation is all about—people, process, and technology—and makes the powerful case for doing CRM in real time. You can save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by reading this book before taking on a CRM initiative.”

— Bob McLaughlin, Former VP, McGraw-Hill

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