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Digital Photo Magic: Easy Image Retouching and Restoration for Librarians, Archivists, & Teachers
By Ernest Perez
Publication Date: March, 2016
Price: $34.65

Step-by-step guidance for retouching, restoring, and manipulating digital photo images with the best of easy-to-use, free or inexpensive software products. Digital Photo Magic is designed for librarians, educators, curators, and archivists who want to enhance photographic images without the steep costs and learning curves associated with high-end graphic software packages. Learn to easily bring images up to acceptable quality for use online or in print-based collections, exhibits, and archives. Perez provides instructions for a range of programs he has personally vetted, highlighting their best features and offering tips and shortcuts you can put to immediate use. A primer on graphic image formats, a guide to image scanning tools and techniques, and an extensive listing of specialized websites, blogs, user forums, and other author-recommended resources are also included.

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