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The Next Digital Scholar: A Fresh Approach to the Common Core State Standards in Research and Writing
Edited by James P. Purdy and Randall McClure
Foreword by Pamela B. Childers
Publication Date: July, 2014
Price: $49.50
ASIST Member Price: $39.50 [ASIST Member Sign In]

"An invaluable resource ... contributors present both sides of the standards debate as they explore the challenges of the CCSS for secondary educators and students."

—Pamela B. Childers,
Caldwell Chair of Composition Emerita,
The McCallie School

"The Next Digital Scholar calls on teachers, professors, and librarians to set aside outdated ideas about college-readiness and academic writing so that Common Core can become a springboard to the future of literacy in a digital age."

—Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, Executive Director, National
Programs and Site Development, National Writing Project

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are grounded in digital literacy practices that demand fresh scrutiny, innovative thinking, and effective application by those charged with educating our children. InThe Next Digital Scholar, editors James P. Purdy and Randall McClure follow up their award-winning, critically acclaimed The New Digital Scholar by facilitating a thoughtful examination of practices and standards in K–12.

Together with more than 30 contributing experts, Purdy and McClure explore key issues and illuminate the work of teachers, librarians, and school administrators on the CCSS cutting edge—particularly as it relates to standards in digital research, reading, and writing. Contributors include English Language Arts teachers, university English faculty, librarians, and National Writing Project administrators, each with an eye toward the needs of the next digital scholar and the educator grappling with some daunting realities of the CCSS.

"Takes the fear out of implementing the Common Core Standards in the Language Arts classroom and beyond ... a road-map for moving students from where they are to where they could be as researchers and writers."

—Christine Denecker, Director of the Center
for Teaching Excellence, University of Findlay

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