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Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries: Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-User Virtual Environments
Edited by Lori Bell and Rhonda B. Trueman
Foreword by Stephen Abram
Publication Date: October, 2008
Price: $27.65

"This is probably the first comprehensive book about MUVEs to focus on libraries and education. ... Those who read [it] and then dive in to experience these worlds ... will be better prepared to evaluate the opportunities that will emerge in the coming years. We might not even be at the beginning of the beginning."

— Stephen Abram
From the Foreword

Eighty percent of Internet users are expected to engage in some form of virtual world activity by 2011 (Gartner Research Group), and librarians and educators are already there. This fascinating book—the brainchild of two pioneering virtual world librarians—is designed to help libraries and schools recognize the importance of multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) and consider ways of getting involved as they proliferate.

The editors and 24 contributors describe library, educational, and cultural projects they have undertaken. They recount their experiences working together to succeed in Second Life and other virtual worlds and explain how traditional library services such as reference, teaching, collections, discussion groups, and young adult programs can be applied in a virtual environment.

WARNING: Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries and the experiences it references may be habit forming. If you find yourself unable to escape from the virtual library environment, put down the book, disconnect your computer, and seek immediate real world attention!

"Challenges our preconceptions of virtual librarianship and explores the possibilities for a variety of future library services."

— Jenny Levine
The Shifted Librarian

"This is not just a collection of extraordinary stories. It’s an operating manual for success!"

— Claudia L’Amoreaux
Education Programs Manager
Linden Lab

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