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Teaching Web Search Skills: Techniques and Strategies of Top Trainers
By Greg R. Notess
Publication Date: October, 2006
Price: $20.65

“If you teach Web searching you need this book. Steal it if you must, but don’t make the mistake of putting it down and walking away.”

— Roy Tennant

Here is a unique and practical reference for anyone who teaches Web searching. Greg Notess shares his own techniques and strategies along with expert tips and advice from a virtual “who’s who” of Web search training: Joe Barker, Paul Barron, Phil Bradley, John Ferguson, Alice Fulbright, Ran Hock, Jeff Humphrey, Diane Kovacs, Gary Price, Danny Sullivan, Rita Vine, and Sheila Webber.

Teaching Web Search Skills covers all these topics and more:

  • Understanding your audience
  • Instructional session goals
  • Online tutorials
  • Web search terminology
  • Organizing the training session
  • Creating workshop Web pages
  • Presentation tips, tricks, and shortcuts
  • Anecdotes, examples, and exercises

This comprehensive and readable guide presents a variety of approaches to instructional design and methodology, lists a range of essential training resources, and features dozens of helpful figures, search screens, worksheets, handouts, and sample training materials. If you train Internet users to search the Web, this is the book you’ve been waiting for!

“Greg Notess pulls together an impressive number of training tips, tapping not only into his own considerable knowledge base but also into the minds of the foremost Web search trainers on two continents. Teaching Web Search Skills is a wonderful learning experience!”

— Marydee Ojala
Program Coordinator
WebSearch University

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