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Caribbean Libraries in the 21st Century: Changes, Challenges, and Choices
Edited by Cheryl Peltier-Davis and Shamin Renwick
Publication Date: June, 2007
Price: $34.65

“I welcome [this] effort to help fill the gap in the literature of librarianship in the unique multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual Caribbean region. ... The editors deserve congratulations on this bold initiative.”

— Stephney Ferguson
Past President: LIAJA, COMLA, ACURIL

Here is an in-depth and wide-ranging look at libraries and librarianship in the Caribbean region today. Editors Cheryl Peltier-Davis and Shamin Renwick set out “to document the state of Caribbean libraries in the 21st century by examining the responses of these institutions to the changes, challenges, and choices in an increasingly electronic and virtual information environment.” More than 40 practitioners joined in the effort, contributing 25 chapters that address the myriad obstacles and opportunities facing Caribbean libraries.

The book begins by providing essential historical perspective followed by coverage of trends, projects, and issues in library management, innovative services, integration and impact of information technology, cooperation and resource sharing, training library users, distance education, and the role of the 21st-century librarian. This remarkable work is certain to inspire any information professional or LIS student seeking to understand how librarianship can and is flourishing in challenging environments.

“This impressively wide-ranging survey of the Caribbean library scene is a magnificent achievement.”

— Debby Shorley
Librarian, University of Sussex
and Past President, CILIP

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