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Implementing Technology Solutions in Libraries: Techniques, Tools, and Tips From the Trenches
By Karen C. Knox
Publication Date: February, 2011
Price: $24.50

"Clear and practical from start to finish—a comprehensive roadmap for rookies as well as success insurance for more seasoned implementers."

—Joan Frye Williams,
library consultant and futurist

For anyone seeking a straightforward, hands-on approach to implementing technology solutions in libraries, this is your guide! Created for staff who want to ensure success with a technology project that may consume a significant part of the library's budget, author and IT manager Karen Knox deconstructs an entire project implementation, from planning to evaluation, carefully examining each step.

The author has implemented many technology projects over the years—some more successfully than others, as she is quick to admit. In Implementing Technology Solutions in Libraries she draws on her experience to help readers identify the most critical components of any project while modifying and scaling to meet their library's unique needs. The array of tips, tricks, techniques, and tools she shares here are designed to spell success in your next library technology implementation.

"I wish I'd had this handy book about 7 years ago! It's a great guide to technology planning in libraries."

—David Lee King, digital branch manager,
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, and publisher,

"Too many new technologies making you confused? This guide will help you make a plan, stick to it, and successfully implement new technologies in your library."

—Nicole C. Engard, director of open source,
ByWater Solutions, and author, Library Mashups

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