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Social Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration, Communication, and Community Online
By Meredith G. Farkas
Foreword by Roy Tennant
Publication Date: March, 2007
Price: $27.65

“Meredith Farkas explains, highlights, and recommends top tools and helps librarians make informed choices about what’s best for their libraries. Whether you want to explore, implement, or just use social software tools, Social Software in Libraries will help you get started and even have fun doing it.”

— Jessamyn West

Social software lets libraries show a human face online, helping them communicate, educate, and interact with their communities. This nuts-and-bolts guide provides librarians with the information and skills necessary to implement the most popular and effective social software technologies: blogs, RSS, wikis, social networking software, screencasting, photo-sharing, podcasting, instant messaging, gaming, and more.

Author Meredith Farkas presents numerous success stories and interviews to highlight the usefulness and impact of each technology. Novices will find ample descriptions and advice on using social software tools, while veteran users will discover new applications and approaches. To help readers keep up, the author’s companion Web site includes links to the resources covered in the book, emerging social software tools, and news and opinion from library blogs and other current sources.

“Addresses the important concept of library as third place, offering great ideas and guidance on creating digital spaces. A must read!”

—David Lee King

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