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Table of Contents | Sample Chapter | About the Author

Research on Main Street
Using the Web to Find Local Business and Market Information
By Marcy Phelps

Table of Contents

About the Website
Foreword, by Mary Ellen Bates

Chapter One Planning the Trip: How to Approach Local Business Research

Take a Geography Lesson
Small Locations Don't Live in Isolation
Take Time for a Reality Check
Be Flexible
Throw In a Little Creativity
Use the Web to Find Sources Rather Than Just Answers
Verify What You Find
Know When It's Time to Pay

Chapter Two Packing the Essentials: Key Resources for Local Business Research

So Many Choices
People Resources
Government Resources
Local Organizations
Specialized Resources
News Resources
Social Media Resources

Chapter Three Avoiding Shady Characters: Evaluating Information on the Web

What's the Problem?
Tips for Finding Quality Local Information

Chapter Four Local Demographics

About Local Demographics
Before You Get Started
Decision Points
Best Places to Look
Putting It Into Action

Chapter Five Local Economics

About Local Economics
Before You Get Started
Decision Points
Best Places to Look
Putting It Into Action

Chapter Six Local Companies

About Local Companies
Before You Get Started
Decision Points
Best Places to Look
Putting It Into Action

Chapter Seven Looking for Locals

About Looking for Locals
Before You Get Started
Decision Points
Best Places to Look
Putting It Into Action

Chapter Eight Local Issues

About Local Issues
Before You Get Started
Decision Points
Best Places to Look
Putting It Into Action

Chapter Nine Paying at the Pump: Fee-Based Sources for Local Business Information

Fee-Based vs. Free Resources
Types of Fee-Based Sources
What's the Value of Your Time?
Fee-Based Sources for Local Information

Appendix A: Resource Roadmap: Key Sources for Local Research
Appendix B: How Do I ...?: Short Guides to Local Business Research

About the Author


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