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Table of Contents | Sample Chapter | About the Author

Implementing Technology Solutions in Libraries
Techniques, Tools, and Tips From the Trenches
By Karen C. Knox

Table of Contents

About the Website
Introduction: Today's Technology

Chapter 1 Identify the Library's Needs

Technology Plans
Plan Components
Info City, USA

Chapter 2 Project Teams and Initial Research

Build Your Project Team
Sample Meeting Agenda
Initial Research
Report Back
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 3 Research Further and Identify Vendors

Document the Requirements
Request for Proposal
No RFP Required
Reviews, Ratings, and Recommendations
Decisions, Decisions
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 4 Contract With a Vendor

Finalize the Details
Details Hidden in the Paperwork
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 5 Plan for Implementation

Kick-Off Meeting/Conference Call
Begin the Planning Process
Pay Attention to the Details
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 6 Step Through the Implementation

Some General Guidelines
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 7 Plan Again

Check Your Pulse
Library Responsibilities
Vendor Responsibilities
Plan Again and Move On
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 8 Customize and Finalize the System

Implementation on Schedule
Implementation Detoured
Implementation Derailed
The Last Lap
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 9 Train Staff, Prepare Users, and Promote

Staff Training
Ongoing Training and Tips for Staff
Customer Training
Promote the Positive
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 10 Launch the New System

A Public Launch
A Quiet Launch
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 11 Smooth Out the Rough Edges

Frequently Asked Questions
Slight Adjustments
Appreciation Goes a Long Way
Checking In With Info City Public Library

Chapter 12 Take a Look Back

The Goal of Evaluation
The Hard Questions
Feedback From Others
Share Your Experience
Checking In With Info City Public Library
Closing Thoughts

Chapter 13 Reality Check

A Mnemonic
Scale the Steps to Meet Your Project Scope
The Process

Appendix A: Sample Technology Plan
Appendix B: Sample Request for Proposal
Appendix C: Sample Review Tool
Appendix D: Sample Recommendation for Vendor Solution
Appendix E: IT Inventory Template
Appendix F: IP Planner Template

About the Author


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