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Library Partnerships: Making Connections Between School and Public Libraries
By Tasha Squires
Foreword by Gail Bush
Publication Date: February, 2009
Price: $27.65

“As funding is cut at many schools and public libraries, partnerships become even more important. This practical guide offers many time-saving paths to successful cooperation.”

— Amy Alessio, teen librarian and
co-author, A Year of Programs for Teens

Connecting to share ideas, resources, and programs offers school and public libraries an exciting means of achieving their own goals as well as those of the community at large. In this timely guide, young adult library consultant Tasha Squires delves into the many possible avenues for partnership, from summer reading programs to book talks to resource sharing and more.

Squires’s advice is designed to help librarians appreciate, communicate, and build on the benefits of school/public library relationships in order to make the most of tight budgets, create resource rich environments, and promote the development of lifelong learners. Her book is a must-read for school and public librarians who want to successfully connect and collaborate with other youth-focused professionals.

“The most comprehensive and practical source available on partnerships between public and school libraries.”
— Jennifer Bromann, school library media specialist
Lincoln-Way Central High School (IL)

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